Peer reviewed papers
- Grelle G, Soriano M, Revellino P, Guerriero L, Anderson MG, Diambra A, Fiorillo F, Esposito L, Diodato N, Guadagno FM. 2013. Space-time prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides through a combined probabilistic approach optimized for initial water table conditions. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. DOI 10.1007/s10064-013-0546-8
- Thiebes, B , Bell, R , Glade, T, Jäger, S, Mayer,J, Anderson, MG, Holcombe,EA. 2013. Integration of
the limit-equilibrium model CHASM into a landslide early warning system – a case study from the Swabian Alp. Landslides. 10. DOI 10.1007/s10346-013-0416-2
- Thiebes, B, Bell, R, Glade, T, Jager, S, Anderson, MG & Holcombe, EA 2013, ‘A WebGIS decision-support system for slope stability based on limit-equilibrium modelling’. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 158,109-118.
- Wallace, M, Holcombe, EA, Anderson, MG & Newbold, DM 2012, ‘High-throughput landslide modelling using computational grids’. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14, EGU2012-11078-1.
- Hamm, N.A.S., Hall, J.W. and Anderson, M.G. (2006) Variance-based sensitivity analysis of the probability of hydrologically induced slope instability. Computers and Geosciences, 32(6): 803-817.
- Karnawati, D., Ibraim, I., Anderson, M.G., Holcombe, E.A., Mummery, G.T., Wang, Y. and Renaud, J-P. (2005) An initial approach to identifying slope stability controls in southern Java to provide community-based landslide warning information. In, Glade, T., Anderson, M.G., Crozier, M. (eds.) Landslide Hazard and Risk, pp. 733-763. John Wiley.
- Brooks, S.M., Crozier, M.J., Glade, T.W. and Anderson, M.G. (2004) Towards establishing climatic thresholds for slope stability. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 161: 881-905.
- Hall, J.W., Rubio, E. and Anderson, M.G. (2004) Random sets of probability measures in slope hydrology and stability analysis. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 84(10-11): 710-720.
- Lloyd, D.M., Anderson, M.G., Renaud, J-P., Wilkinson, P.L. and Brooks, S.M. (2004) On the need to determine appropriate model domains for hydrology slope stability models. Advances in Environmental Research, 8: 379-386.
- Rubio, E., Hall, J.W. and Anderson, M.G. (2004) Uncertainty analysis in a slope hydrology and stability model using probabilistic and imprecise information. Computers and Geotechnics, 31(7): 529-536.
- Wang, Y., Renaud, J-P., Anderson, M.G. and Allen, C.B. (2004) A boundary and soil interface conforming unstructured local mesh refinement for geological structures. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 40(11): 1429-1443.
- Wilkinson P. L., Anderson M. G, Lloyd, D.M & J-P. Renaud , 2002, Landslide hazard and bioengineering: towards providing improved decision support
through integrated. model development. Environmental Modelling and Software, 17, 333-34
- Wilkinson, P. L., Anderson, M. G., & Lloyd, D. M. 2002 An integrated hydrological model for slope stability Earth Surface Processes & Landforms 27, 1267-1283
- Lloyd, D.M., Anderson M. G, Husseian, A. N., Jamaludin, A. & Wilkinson P. L, 2001 Preventing landslides on roads and railways: a new risk-based approach. Civil Engineering ICE , 144, 129-134.
- Lloyd, D.M., Anderson M. G, Husseian, A. N., Jamaludin, A. & Wilkinson P. L, 2001 Preventing landslides on roads and railways: a new risk-based approach, New Civil Engineer International, 98, 27-32
- Lloyd, D. M., Othman, A, & Wilkinson, P. L , Anderson, M. G., 2001 Predicting landslides:Assessment of an automated rainfall based landslide warning system,.in K.K.S.Ho and K.S.Li, Geotechnical Engineering – Meeting Society’s Needs, Balkema, Volume 1 135 – 139 2
- Anderson, M.G., Hartshorne, J. and Lloyd, D.M. (1998) Predicting rainfall-induced slope instability: a discussion. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Geotechnical Engineering , 119, 211-218.
- Anderson, M.G., Lloyd, D.M., Park, A., Hartshorne, J., Hargraves, S. and Othman, A. (1996) Establishing new design dynamic modelling criteria for tropical cut slopes. Proc. 7 International Conference Landslides, Trondheim, 1067-1072.
- Collison, A.J.C. and Anderson, M.G. (1996) Using a combined slope hydrology/slope stability model to identify suitable conditions for landslide prevention by vegetation in the humid tropics. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 21, 737-747.
- Collison, A.J.C., Anderson, M.G. and Lloyd, D.M. (1995) Impact of vegetation on slope stability in a humid tropical environment: a modelling approach. Proc. Inst. Civil Eng. Water Maritime and Energy, 112, 168-175,. (This paper was awarded by the Institute of Civil Engineers Trevithick Premium Triennial award for a research paper to the Institution in 1996).
- Anderson, M.G., Lloyd, D.M. and Othman, A. (1994) Using a combined slope hydrology/slope stability model for cut slope design in the Tropics, Malaysian J. Tropical Geog. 25, 1-10.
- Anderson, E.A. (1994) Extending the role of slope hydrology-stability assessments in the Tropics: towards cost-effective management of mountainous roads in Malaysia. Malaysian Roads Conference, IKRAM. 3, 43, 1-26.
- Anderson, M.G., Othman, A. and Lloyd, D.M. (1994) Using a combined slope hydrology/slope stability model for cutslope design in the Tropics. Malaysian Road Conference,IKRAM, 1, 4, 1-19.
- Anderson, M.G. (1992) A statistical approach to cut slope instability problems in peninsular Malaysia. In D.H. Bell (ed) Landslides, Balkema, Rotterdam, 1379-1385. 3
- Anderson, M.G. and Lloyd, D.M. (1991) Using a combined slope hydrology-stability model to develop cut slope design charts. Proc. Inst. Civ. Engineers 91, 705-718.
- Anderson, M.G. (1990) Developing hydrological stability models for cut slope design in the Tropics – a discussion. Int. Soc. for Soil Mechan. & Foundtns. Geomechanics in Tropical Soils, 2, 571-572.
- Anderson, M.G. and Shen, J. (1988) Monitoring and modelling infiltration through a soil cement cover. Proc. Int. Conf. on Infiltration Development and Application, Honolulu, 178- 187.
- Anderson, M.G., Kemp, M.J. and Lloyd, D.M. (1988) Applications of soil water finite difference models to slope stability problems. Vth International Symp. on Landslides, Lausanne, 1, 525-530.
- Anderson, M.G., Kemp, M.J. and Lloyd, D.M. (1988) Refinement of hydrological factors for the design of cut slopes in the Tropics. Int. Soc. for Soil Mechan. & Foundtns., Geomechanics in Tropical Soils, 233-240.
- Anderson, M.G. and Howes, S. (1985) Development and application of a combined soil water slope stability model. Quaterly Journal Engineering Geology 18, 225-236.
Technical Reports and Manuals
- Anderson, M.G., Kemp, M.J. and Lloyd, D.M. (1997) Hydrological Design Manual for Slope Stability in the Tropics. Transport Research Laboratory. Overseas Road Note 14 58pp.
- Anderson, M.G. (1990) A feasibilty study on mathematical modelling of slope hydrology and stability. Geotechnical Control Office, Hong Kong CE 23/90 109pp.
- Anderson, M.G. (1983) Prediction of Soil Suction for Slopes in Hong Kong. Geotechnical Control Office, Hong Kong, CE 3/81, 244pp. 4